Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013 Welcome 2014

 Sempet2in nulis blog di penghujung akhir tahun ini. Masih inget banget akhir tahun lalu doa puasa selama sebulan penuh Dan selalu ikut morning prayer in my church to prepared entered the year of 2013 (I wish I can doing that this year *sigh*). He gave me His promised last year from Genesis 41:51 and that happen to me this year, what amazing Lord I have *woohooo. That time He also reminded me to prepared my heart to live in US with my husband which I did that. Maybe you wondering how can I still remember what He said last year, well I have a diary book but not like teenager yaa my diary hahaha. My diary book its about my journey with my God :) Selama penantian saya menunggu visa Tuhan mengajar banyak hal dan Dia benar2 mempersiapkan saya. Dan ketika saya sudah berada disini apa yang sudah Tuhan ajarkan sangat2 membantu saya dalam kehidupan baru saya disini. Though there's moment that I can said its hard for me to face that and seems impossible until I asked Him "why me Lord why me ?" but I knew and  believe nothing ever happen in my life without His permission.

 Dan sekarang tiba di hari terakhir dari 2013, not sure what will happen next year and for somehow I feel unclear with my future :( But this morning when I seek His Face I found His promise for me to entering  the year of 2014. My Abba Father said "your husband is in My Hand, your marriage is in My Hand & your future is in My Hand too."  And not just that He gave me His promise from Genesis 12:1-3 :" The Lord had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you. "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples in earth will be blessed through you." Isn't that great promise to enter new year :) I don't know how He will work to make that happen but one thing that I know and believe that The One who made a promise is faithful and will do what He said (Heb 11:11)

